Land Lines Abril 2008
Land Value Impacts of Bus Rapid Transit
During the last decade, bus rapid transit (BRT) has revolutionized regional transportation planning in much of the world. Using before and after data on property asking prices, we examined whether prices changed as Bogotá’s TransMilenio system expanded.
Conservation Through the Ballot Box
Between 1998 and 2006, some 1,550 land conservation referenda appeared on state, county, and municipal ballots across the United States, and their success rate was very high: nearly 80 percent of these measures passed, many by a wide margin.

This issue explores the impacts of bus rapid transit (BRT) in Bogota, Colombia’s capital, on neighboring land values; and the use of referenda for open space conservation. It also features an interview with a U.S. conservationist about preservation achievements and challenges around the globe.