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ISBN: 978-1-55844-124-8
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Land Use and Taxation

Applying the Insights of Henry George

Edited by H. James Brown

Junio 1997, inglés

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Can today’s policy makers and researchers effectively draw on the ideas of 19th-century philosopher Henry George to help solve 21st-century problems? This compendium presents eight essays by scholars who demonstrate that many of George’s ideas about land use and taxation remain valuable today. Policy makers still face Henry George’s fundamental challenge—to balance private property rights and public interests in land.

Table of Contents


H. James Brown

How to Treat Intellectual Ancestors

Robert M. Solow

Capturing Public Value from Public Investments

H. James Brown and Martim O. Smolka

Volatility, Speculation, and the Efficiency of Land Markets

Karl E. Case

The Centralization and Decentralization of Government and Taxation

Dick Netzer

Land Use and Taxation Issues in Developing Countries

William A. Doebele

Ethical Issues in Land Policy

C. Lowell Harriss

Private Land and Public Values

Daniel W. Bromley

Henry George, Property Rights, and Taxation

Joan M. Youngman


Henry George, valor del suelo, tributación del valor del suelo, impuesto a base de suelo, tributación inmobilaria, tributación, recuperación de plusvalías, impuesto a base de valores