Joan Youngman
Senior Fellow & Chair of Valuation and Taxation
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Joan Youngman is senior fellow and chair of the Department of Valuation and Taxation at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She is an attorney and author of numerous articles and books concerning land and building taxation and valuation. She has undertaken international research and educational work for the World Bank, the OECD, the International Monetary Fund, and the Harvard Law School International Tax Program. She is the author of A Good Tax (2016), and Legal Issues in Property Valuation and Taxation: Cases and Materials (2006), a co-author of State and Local Taxation: Cases and Materials (10th edition 2014), and co-editor of the books Erosion of the Property Tax Base (2009), Making the Property Tax Work: Experiences in Developing and Transitional Countries (2008), and The Development of Property Taxation in Economies in Transition: Case Studies from Central and Eastern Europe (2001).