
5 resultados ordenados por


  1. Reinventing Development Regulations

    Outubro 2017
    Jonathan Barnett and Brian W. Blaesser

    “Many writers have identified the deficiencies in traditional zoning and regulatory frameworks in the United States, but Jonathan Barnett and Brian Blasser offer solutions that tweak and bend...

  2. Zoning Rules!

    The Economics of Land Use Regulation
    Julho 2015

    “Fischel . . . does for the housing debate what zoning once did for cities: brings order and coherence to what’s otherwise a mess.” — Ezra Klein, New York Times This best-...

  3. Planning for States and Nation-States in the U.S. and Europe

    Abril 2015
    Edited by Gerrit-Jan Knaap, Zorica Nedović-Budić, and Armando Carbonell

    “This timely transatlantic dialogue between planning researchers and policy makers provides a wealth of information and insights into the planning frameworks and institutions in changing...

  4. Fiscal Decentralization and Land Policies

    Maio 2008
    Edited by Gregory K. Ingram and Yu-Hung Hong

    The study of fiscal decentralization has important policy implications for urban growth management, environmental conservation, and property taxation. First, fiscal decentralization gives local...

  5. Confronting Regional Challenges

    Approaches to LULUs, Growth, and Other Vexing Governance Problems
    Junho 1991
    Edited by Joseph DiMento and LeRoy Graymer

    Can rival community groups “get to yes” when it is in the public’s interest to resolve disputes arising from locally unwanted land uses (LULUs)? “Not in my backyard” (...

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