
3 resultados ordenados por


  1. Financiamiento municipal

    Cómo verificar los bonos verdes
    Revista Land Lines
    Julho 2016
    By Christopher Swope, Citiscope

    Se estima que la implementación del acuerdo climático de París en todo el mundo costará más de US$12 billones en el curso de 25 años. Así que no es de sorprender que gran parte de la conversación...

  2. Muni Finance

    Verifying Green Bonds
    Revista Land Lines
    Julho 2016
    By Christopher Swope, Citiscope

    Across the globe, implementing the Paris climate agreement is expected to cost more than US$12 trillion over 25 years. So it’s not surprising that much of the conversation since the agreement was...

  3. Message from the President

    Who Will Pay for Our Urban Future?
    Revista Land Lines
    Abril 2016

    Humans have had a love-hate relationship with urbanization for hundreds of years. In the mid-18th century, at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, common fields and pastures were enclosed to force...

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