Lincoln Institute now translating quarterly magazine Land Lines in Spanish

terça-feira, Setembro 6, 2011

For Immediate Release
Contact: Anthony Flint 617-503-2116

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (September 6, 2011) – The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy is now making its quarterly magazine Land Lines available in Spanish, beginning with the July 2011 issue.

The Spanish translation of the magazine, which includes articles on research being conducted by fellows and others associated with the Lincoln Institute, profiles of fellows and faculty, a message from Lincoln Institute President Gregory K. Ingram, and publications announcements and other news, can be downloaded free here.

Spanish-speaking readers will be interested in the topics concerning the environment, urban growth, and land and tax policy internationally, said Martim O. Smolka, director of the Program on Latin America and the Caribbean at the Lincoln Institute.

The translation of Land Lines will soon be followed by the posting of both Spanish and Portuguese versions of the recent Policy Focus Report, Regularization of Informal Settlements in Latin America.

The Latin America program section of the Lincoln Institute Web site includes a Spanish language section and Resources and Tools subcenters, on such topics as the property tax, in Spanish and Portuguese.

In addition, the Lincoln Institute’s Facebook page, which includes several hundred fans from Latin America, will also soon have a special section devoted to the work of the Program on Latin America and the Caribbean.

“This initiative will help extend the dialogue on many important topics not only in Latin America, where the Lincoln Institute’s network is extensive and growing, but in the U.S. and all around the world,” Smolka said.

A number of books, working papers, and Web site pages are in those languages as well, including:

Diretrizes para a criação, instituição e atualização do Cadastro Terriitorial Multifinalitário nos municípios brasileiros (Authors: Cunha Pontes, Eglaísa Micheline and Diego Alfonso Erba); Perspectivas urbanas: Temas criticos en politicas de suelo en America Latina (Editors: Smolka, Martim O. and Laura Mullahy); Urbanizador social: Da informalidade à parceria (Editors: Damasio, Cláudia (organizadora) e outros); Mercado de tierras urbanas, propiedad y pobreza (Author: Calderón Cockburn, Julio); Planes parciales, gestión asociada y mecanismos de distribución equitativa de cargas y beneficios en el sistema urbanístico colombiano: Marco jurídico, conceptos básicos y alternativas de aplicación (Authors: Maldonado Copello, María, Juan Felipe Pinilla, Juan Francisco Rodríguez, Natalia Valencia Dávila); Grandes proyectos urbanos (Editor: Lungo, Mario (compilador); A lei e a ilegalidade na produção do espaço urbano (Editors: Fernandes, Edésio and Betânia Alfonsin); Recuperacion de plusvalias en America Latina Alternativas para el desarrollo urbano (Editors: Smolka, Martim and Furtado, Fernanda) Tierra vacante en ciudades latinoamericanas (Editor: Clichevsky, Nora); El estado del conocimiento sobre el mercado del suelo urbano en México (Authors: Delgado, Alfredo and Manuel Perló Cohen); Los pobres de la ciudad y la tierra (Editors: Iracheta Cenecorta, Alfonso X. and Smolka, Martim); Suelo urbano y reservas territoriales: Políticas y mercado del suelo en América Latina (Editor: Brito, Adriana Fausto).

In addition, the Program on Latin America and the Caribbean offers four books on GIS and cadastres in Spanish and/or Portuguese as PDFs for free downloading from the Lincoln Institute Web site. They are designed to be used in conjunction with the program’s online courses: El catastro territorial en los países latinoamericanos (Author: Erba, Diego Alfonso); Catastro multifinalitario aplicado a la definición de políticas de suelo urbano (Editor: Erba, Diego Alfonso); Cadastro técnico multifinalitário urbano e rural (Authors: Loch, Carlos and Diego Alfonso Erba); and Sistemas de Información Geográfica aplicados a estudios urbanos: Experiencias latinoamericanas

(Editor: Erba, Diego Alfonso).

The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy is a leading resource for key issues concerning the use, regulation, and taxation of land. Providing high quality education and research, the Institute strives to improve public dialogue and decisions about land policy.

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